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The Young Ambassadors are Preparing for The World Urban Forum!


In a few days, the World Urban Forum will take place in Katowice, Poland from June 26-30. For the 11th Session, the platform of UN-Habitat is an opportunity for Member States, local governments, the private sector, and civil society to think about the challenges that accompany the transition to a sustainable urban society and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In an increasingly urbanized world, it is sometimes paradoxical to reconcile urban ecosystems with natural ecosystems. However, the facts are clear: we are experiencing the 6th mass extinction. Cities are responsible for 70% of greenhouse gas emissions and are directly involved in the loss of biodiversity, particularly through land use, the artificialization of ecosystems, the overexploitation of resources, air, water, and soil pollution, the introduction of invasive species, and climate change. Cities are direct actors but are also directly vulnerable to, and the first victims of, the consequences of disruptions caused by the pressures exerted on ecosystems through human activities.

In this regard, the members of the Young Ambassadors for the Environment are looking for ways to cultivate our urban future and territorial sustainability to work towards the conservation of local biodiversity while addressing demographic challenges. A resilient system must ensure the continuity of governance, economy, commerce, and other functions and flows on which citizens depend. It is necessary, then, to promote open communication and facilitate integrative collaboration between a wide range of stakeholders, from public entities to the private sector, civil society, academia, and city residents.

At a time when the massive destruction of wildlife threatens the environment as well as societies, it is imperative to consider cities as central actors in the reflection and the implementation of solutions to the biodiversity crisis. Because of their ecological and societal values, biodiversity and ecosystem services are an essential component of urban planning and development. One of six points of the Forum’s agenda is entirely dedicated to ecological issues, and in this respect, the strengthening of resilience to climate change is a major aspect of improving the overall resilience of cities.

In line with the theme of the forum, “Transforming Our Cities for a Better Urban Future,” the choice of investments we make today will shape our future and young people are the primary beneficiaries. In this respect, it is crucial to define an integrated urban and territorial plan that responds to new realities, but also promotes collaborative and integrated urban governance systems. Responding to climate challenges requires working towards the resilience of cities.

A delegation of Young Ambassadors for the Environment is preparing for Katowice with the intention of sharing their vision for the cities of tomorrow, reflecting their environmental concerns. The treatment of green spaces with chemicals has largely depleted present ecosystems, light pollution has disturbed the life rhythms of a number of species, and development has not taken ecological coherence into account; it is now time to implement a more controlled urbanization that integrates biodiversity as an asset of our cities of tomorrow. In addition to hosting a roundtable discussion, the young people will participate in conferences, workshops, and debates with other youth involved internationally, but also with all of the participants of the Forum.

Follow us on Instagram @jaenvironnement to keep up with the Young Ambassadors for the Environment at the 11th Session of the World Urban Forum.



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