We are currently experiencing an exceptional period requiring exceptional measures. But what can you do to work for biodiversity during this spring of containment? To continue the action, here are three tools at your disposal:
The LPO and the National Museum of Natural History have set up “Garden Birds” (https://www.oiseauxdesjardins.fr/)! This participatory observatory invites you to learn how to recognize birds that frequent your garden and to report them on the link above. So bring a camera! You can find all the necessary information on the website.
The National Museum of Natural History also provides you with a tool that will allow you to take part in the inventory of the biodiversity of your city and to share your observations with the experts! All you need is a cell phone and INPN Espèces! For more information, please go directly to the platform (https://determinobs.fr/#/).
Finally, don't hesitate to visit the Young Ambassadors' favorite platform: the Observatoire Participatif des Espèces et de la Nature (https://www.open-sciences-participatives.org/ecosysteme-sciences-participatives/) (OPEN)! This is a system that allows everyone to take part in the observation of biodiversity. OPEN lists the participatory observatories you can use, specifying if they are for everyone, practical in the garden, and with which tools.
Our territory is on pause, but biodiversity isn’t! So what are you waiting for?
